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Back to the PARC

Using the following link you can read for yourself the struggles that students and teachers may experience in this new school enviroment. Online schooling is new to everyone but it is the only safe way to learn in the current day enviroment. The following News can be accessed through the link.

School Day Schedule

Using the following link you can see how the school day is separated throughout the week. Aditionally I provided my schedule for first semester

Download The Doccument

Here's how you can download the news for yourself:click on this link to download the doccument listed above. You can share the doccument or print it out once you have it downloaded

Image Gallary

Who doesn't love pictures? Using the following link to visit a seperate page that has three images that are related to school. Enjoy!

More News

Using the following link you can go to a professional website that reports on a wider scope of day to day news. To visit The Washington Post click on the link posted. Here you can read about how the nation is impacted by the virus, forign affairs, political developments and much more

Math Quiz

To take a fun math quiz please follow the following link . Good luck!